How to practice Mindfulness
11 Ways to Be More Mindful – How to Practice Mindfulness Daily
Mindfulness is easy, until it’s not If you’ve been practicing Mindfulness for for a while like I have, then you know that a lot of us strive to be the perfect Zen master, and we often feel shameful for not keeping up with Mindfulness the way we think we should. That’s why it can be […]
How To Practice Mindfulness and Conquer Your Emotions
The Topic of Mindfulness Let’s get into the topic of mindfulness. This is a really important topic and I think that you should start to really think about this and develop mindfulness, because it can have some powerful effects on your life. I’m going to give you some practical ways to start developing mindfulness without […]
What is Mindfulness? Simple answers, profound meaning.
The Magic Pill What if there existed a magic pill that can improve your health help, you live longer, build creativity, help discover your true self and ultimately make you happy. How much would you pay for a pill like this? What if it were free? Well, that pill exists and it’s called mindfulness. The […]
Mindfulness and Planning (4 Keys to Planning Mindfully)
The Big Question Mindfulness and planning. This is a question I get a lot. How can I plan, and I have to plan in my life, if I’m being mindful? And I’d actually like to say that being mindful is the best way to plan. So I’m going to walk you through this. So for […]
STOP for Mindfulness
Mindfulness is hard – to remember to do Lately, we often hear how helpful mindfulness can be for stress, pain, and our overall mental health, especially when we are living with chronic mental or physical illness. Practicing mindfulness might sound simple, but it can be hard to remember at times. S.T.O.P. Here is a simple […]
30 seconds to mindfulness | Phil Boissiere | TEDxNaperville
We all know Mindfulness works Mindfulness. It’s really become quite the buzzword in recent times even though mindfulness practices have been used for millennia. Most of us agree that mindfulness practices are a positive thing and would benefit our life. There’s abundant research illustrating the positive effect that mindfulness practices have on quality of life, […]
Mind the Bump – Mindfulness and how the brain works
Neuroplasticity The human brain is a profoundly complex organ, 90 % of its activity occurs beneath conscious awareness, which means that, even though we assume that we have some control of how we think feel and behave, modern science suggests it’s not so simple. The concept of neuroplasticity is a new and exciting area of […]
Self-Transformation Through Mindfulness | Dr. David Vago | TEDxNashville
Self-Transformation Through Mindfulness Activity-Dependent Plasticity We are all born with a brain that has 86 billion neurons. And throughout our life, we make relatively few new neurons. In fact, we lose about 2 billion neurons throughout the course of our lifetime. So you may wonder – if we’re losing billions of neurons and we’re not making […]
How the power of attention changes everything: Jeff Klein at TEDxGrandRapids
Me and Meryl Faye Seven years ago, life was a bit intense for me. I had just become a full-time single dad – no small thing – and I was also deeply immersed in the beginning of what we now call the conscious capitalism movement. My eight-year-old daughter Meryl Faye and I were living with […]
The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonSquare
If in rush-hour traffic, you can remain perfectly calm; if you can see your neighbors travel to fantastic places without a twinge of jealousy; if you can love everyone around you unconditionally; and if you can always find contentment just where you are, then you’re probably . .. a dog. Right? We hold ourselves to […]